Tips to do Successfully Work from Home during Lockdown
Work from home is now not as same as it was before, now everything has changed even the condition for work from home, previously the definition of WFH was simple that it is “a concept where the employee can do his or her job from home” but now because of the COVID 19 pandemic the fear, stress, anxiety, fight for daily consumable, uncertainty that too with the feeling of loneliness is affecting the productivity of employees.
To help you out, here are few tips or we can say most practical advice on how to keep yourself charge for work from home and remain productive during this lockdown.
1. Survival of the Quickest: Now the rule has changes from survival of the fittest to survival of the quickest, in this pandemic situation we have be quick in all aspect, physically, mentally, emotionally, although we are at home but we have to be quick crucial part is that we have to be quick learner, we need to learn the new technology as fast as possible.
2. Early Start: A productive day starts with a productive morning. You need to start your day normally as if you were leaving your home and going to the office. Getup early , the time that you were spending on commuting it’s better to utilise that time to finish your domestic task as we are not getting any domestic help from outside, so it’s better to organise your surrounding first, its highly recommendable, eat breakfast and to take shower on time.
3. Exercise and meditate: work out even just for 15 minutes it will wake you up and get ready, and mediate focusing on your breath.
4. Dress for the Job: Many of the studies done on the topic of “encloth cognition” that clothes can affect the wearer’s behaviour so its highly recommendable that you properly dress yourself as if you are going to office, more to it try to wear the same perfume you used to, the smell and the dress helps to put your brain in work mode.
5. Arrange your table at home similar to your office table: make a corner or a space in home as your work station try to make it same as your office table it will be helpful to dive straight into work because the setting will be work-friendly for you, don’t do any other task at this palace, if possible keep this table near the window because ,view of any kind of nature has the ability to reduce blood pressure and the circulation of stress hormones.
6. Set rules for work and for personal breaks too: Personal and professional should be water tight compartments; while working doesn’t get distracted with kids and other family members even the shortest distraction can kill your productivity, and on the other hand while taking tea breaks and lunch get away from your place and have time with family members .
7. Maintain connection with co-workers: We all are social animals, studies say that people go to work because they love being with other people. Many of the time we spend interacting at work is not actually about work, this type of interaction we miss when we are self isolating, so its recommendable to arrange meetings with colleagues or friends online for regular coffee breaks so you don’t miss out that type of social interaction Share your frustrations and difficulties that come with working from home during the corona virus outbreak.
8. Stop working: Make sure you put a cut off time where you stop working to focus on your hobbies friends and family you don’t have to compromise on your relationships and networking because of the quarantine!
9. Sleep well: Wind up your day by reviewing you’re to do list and planning for the next day. It’s important to stay productive, healthy, and well connected with society even when working from home. Try to remain in SAT -CHIT -ANAND.
Sagar Institute of Research & Technology (SIRT) is among top engineering colleges in Bhopal, MP. It is a part of Sagar Group of Institutions which is also popularly called as Sagar Group or SIRT College in Bhopal.