Scopes of Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering is the oldest branch of engineering. We cannot think about the world without civil engineers. Civil engineers are always needed for the development of the society. For the development of any nation civil engineers are must. As we know India is a developing nation so we required development, and for that civil engineers are needed. Civil engineers are needed for Highway projects, Railway projects, Construction of buildings, construction of dams, construction of tunnels, construction of industries, construction of Airports, construction of metro rail etc.

Apart from this dream project of river linking also requires civil engineers it will reduce the chances of flood in various parts of our country. It will help in solving the water problem in some areas.
There are various branches of civil engineering
1. Structural Engineering
2. Geotechnical Engineering
3. Transportation Engineering
4. GIS and remote sensing
5. Railway engineering
6. Tunnel Engineering
7. Docks and Harbor
8. Environmental engineering
9. Pollution control
10. Estimation and billing
11. Construction management
12. Quality control and supervision
13. Water supply
14. Waste disposal
Civil engineers have huge demand in public sector and private sector both.
Prof. Rakesh Patel is currently working as Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Sagar Institute of Research and Technology-Excellence, Bhopal