Present generation have been the victim of social media. Gully crickets have been replaced with virtual friends outnumbering close buddies and emotion being reduced to mere emojis. Life has drastically changed. It seems that our minds are not taking this transition quite positively and most of us often fail to realise this.
If a student is extremely good in academics. He has always been ahead in school, scored good marks and his teachers have no complaints against him. Since the child is a good student he deserves a reward. So his / her grand father gifts him a smart phone.
Let’s observe what changes have come in that child. He spends most of his time in his room.glued to his cell phone. His grades have come down and so did his confidence.
Naturally it becomes a concern for the Parents.
So they try to find professional help and then they are told that the child is trying to escape from depression and to cope up with arcade.ic stress.
It is not only this, adolescents are at a higher risk of mental health. Age 14 to 24 is said to fall into high risk category. This is the age when children go through changes. Their physical changes occur and they battle peer pressure at the same time they try to hold on to their individuality. They try to choose a stream. It’s a hard time they face. Thus at Sagar International school DK kolar road do not ignore this issue
Mental health has been included as a subject and teachers are trained to cope up with this issue. Suicidal tendency have gone up in recent years that cannot be ignored.
Workshops are being conducted for the students. Teachers are trained to deal with the students in a different manner by using kind words and affection. To keep them busy in different activities and Sports and games. Mass awareness to be created to battle the situation